Thursday, February 3, 2011

And....He's Off!


  1. Look at him go! Yay Jude! Your little cousin is still squawking about tummy time, so maybe she'll be able to follow you in another year (if she's on her feet by then)!

  2. YAY Jude! Now, you'll be ready to run around with your new pal, Luke!! Luke started saying "Jude" today after y'all left Moe's!! How fun.
    Girl, we are SO looking forward to getting to know y'all better!
    I LOVE that you blog too! I'm a little behind, but... check us out at

    Let's go out for fountain Cokes soon! hee hee!

  3. Kristin, Jude totally skipped tummy time...he hated it! Can't wait until they can toddle around together!

    Valerie, that's so sweet about Luke! Let's definitely grab a Coke! McDonald's? :)
